Outdoor Programs

Did you know that Langley City is offering free outdoor youth drop in programs during the month of June at Douglas Park? If you have someone in your life between the grades of 6-12, these weather-dependent programs might be a great way for them to engage in the community! (Additional physical distancing and hygiene measures observed.) Indoor programs will not be resuming at this time.  

June programs offered include:

Mondays 5pm-6pm: Weekly Challenges.
Tuesdays 5pm-6:30pm: Art In The Park. Draw, paint and more with the sun, trees and nature to inspire you!
Wednesdays 5pm-6pm: Wellness Wednesday. Learn to improve your wellness with fun activities and games!
Thursdays 5pm-6:30pm: Teen Time. Hang out and have fun outside!
Fridays 4pm-6pm: Outdoor Sports.

All program updates will be posted to Instagram each day. Be sure to follow @langleycityYouth to get the fastest updates on programs and what is happening!


Swimming Pool Opening June 29th

If swimming is your thing, you’ll be excited to know that the Al Anderson Memorial Pool will open on June 29 with enhanced first aid, heightened lifeguard rescue procedures, and reduced swimming hours and capacities, including distance markings. See the June 16 media release.

Please note that swimming lessons will not be offered this summer due to COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions; however, public swimming and fitness classes will be permitted with the following pool patron maximums to keep the community safe:

  • 71 people for public swims, including the deck and bleachers
  • 32 people (4 per lane) for length swims
  • 39 people for Shallow Aquafit classes
  • 11 people for Deep Aquafit

Showers will be available on the pool deck. Langley City encourages patrons to shower at home before, and after swimming since access to the change rooms is limited to a one-way flow to encourage physical distancing. Lockers will also not be available during this time.

Patrons are now able to reserve their spot, up to an hour before the start of our public swims, length swims, and Aquafit classes through the online recreation registration system or by phoning Al Anderson Memorial Pool at 604.514.2860 starting on June 24. The public may also call Timms Community Centre (604.514.2940) or Douglas Recreation Centre (604.514.2865) to reserve in advance. To see the full swimming schedule, visit langleycity.ca.

“We are now in Phase 2 of the BC Restart Plan, and I would like to thank all of you for your commitment to keeping fellow citizens safe and healthy by following the Provincial Health Officer’s orders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. By working together and bending the curve, we can get back to some sort of new normal”, said Mayor Val van den Broek. “As we continue to reopen more services, facilities, and amenities, please be patient as your health and safety is our number one priority.”

“Based on the information provided by our local health authorities, there is no evidence that the COVID-19 virus can spread through the water at pools, hot tubs, or spray parks, and proper disinfection of these aquatic venues should inactivate the virus. I hope this information will encourage residents to enjoy our aquatic facility,” said Karlo Tamondong, Recreation Supervisor.

The opening of Al Anderson Memorial Pool complies with Phase 2 of British Columbia’s Restart Plan, the BC & Yukon Lifesaving Society recommendations for safe lifeguard operations, as well as guidelines developed by the Regional Health Authorities, Ministry of Health, and the BC Centre for Disease Control.


Information Source: https://langleycity.ca