Whether your kids are going back into the classroom or going to do their schoolwork from home, we are all starting to think about getting into a routine again. This year (perhaps more than ever before), our focus is on health. Being organized to create healthful meals for our kids (and ourselves!) is a great way to begin September which is (gulp) in just a few days! We hope that the images below inspire you to get creative with healthy ingredients – and make fresh food plentiful for your family.


Tip! We love the idea of using cookie cutters to take basic foods like cheese and lunchmeat to a new level of fun. Of course dad can take the scraps in his sandwich!

No need to stress yourself out by making things pinterest worthy every day. Keeping food readily available, stored in glass and ceramic containers makes even the healthiest ingredients look too good not to eat!

We love the idea of a breakfast bar where kids and adults can start with their base of oatmeal or cottage cheese and top with colourful, vitamin-packed toppings of their choice. What doesn’t get selected today can come back out for tomorrow’s ‘buffet’.

Parents swear by bento boxes. The layout encourages you to be diverse in what you pack. Little bits of this and that make lunch fun for kids. The contrast of colours and textures will entice them to eat more. (At least one can hope!)


Furry & feathered friends. We know that time can be tight… but we couldn’t resist sharing these fun examples of food styling on toast. When you look closely at each of them, they are actually quite easy to recreate. We think the fish might be our favourite… which is yours?